Vocational Education and Training is industry specific training providing students with national qualifications which are recognised in the SACE and can be obtained while the student is still at school.

Click to view our 2025 NASSSA VET Course Brochure.

NASSSA school VET Leaders will announce when an expression of interest can be made by students for a particular course to be undertaken in the following year. Registering an EOI will hold a position in the chosen course, whilst students complete forms and evidence is collected prior to VETRO testing and course application.


Northern Adelaide State Secondary Schools Alliance coordinates an extensive number of courses in a wide range of industry areas on behalf of the schools in the region.

What is VET?

This is the first in a series of short videos describing what VET courses are about.

It is suggested that you view this video first, then watch the specific VET Course Videos that you might be interested in.

VET Course Videos /students/vet/videos This is a series of short videos describing what VET courses are about. If you have watched the video above, you might want to browse through our VET Course specific videos Course Details https://nasssa.eschoolsolutions.com.au/pages/public/programsview.aspx


Hear from the Trainer

During National Careers Week in May, NASSSA, in collaboration with Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and trainers, offers online 'Hear from the Trainer' sessions about courses currently running or intended to be run to following year.

Students interested in particular industry areas may register with their school VET Leaders to attend a session/s at school.

The session will begin with a short presentation by the NASSSA Director, who will explain Vocational Education and Training, including aspects such as accreditation and funding.

Course trainers then give an overview of the course, share where the course is currently delivered, pathways the course may lead to and explain or show what the course 'looks like'. Students are encouraged to ask questions.

Industry Immersions

NASSSA liaises with RTOs and industry partners on behalf of NASSSA schools to arrange a variety of industry immersions during weeks 4 - 10 in term 2.

Students are able to participate in a variety of experiences, which will assist them in making informed decisions about their future career pathway.

Sessions may include White Card training, Construction, Brick and Block, Plumbing, Automotive, Electrotechnology, First Aid training, Food Processing (Bakery), Engineering, Hospitality/Cookery, Screen and Media, Community Services, Information Technology, Resources and Infrastructure, Child Care, Health Services, Salon Assistant and Retail Cosmetics.

Information about registering for these sessions will be shared by NASSSA school VET Leaders.