
Can you spare an hour a year to help a young person understand the 'world of work'? If so, join the growing masses who volunteering HERE

NASSSA believes connecting young people to the world of work is important. Through career development in schools and with support of the local community, we help young people identify their strengths and passions and plan for the next step in their lifelong career journey. This may be a University pathway, a trade, further study, training or work. Whichever they choose, we advocate for them being effective, contributing and resilient members of society now and in the future.

NASSSA, An Illustration of Good PracticeNASSSA

The Australian Government Department of Education and Training, has created the above video about NASSSA's Good Practice, as well as an information sheet, "NASSSA, an illustration of good practice"

NASSSA has created a document “Ideas for working with schools in Northern Adelaide [NASSSA]”.

We have a NASSSA Pathways Advisory Group and welcome input from business and industry. If you would like to have a say, or get involved in the future workforce development in the north, by being an advisor on this group (maximum of 4 meetings per year), or in any other way, please complete the contact form below.

With our quality range of pre-vocational training, we consider many resources, including the Australian Government’s Department of Education “Preparing Secondary Students for Work”.

There is an accompanying document “Supporting employer involvement with schools

Other links which may be of use:

Workplace Learning and Work placements

Hosting Student Workplace Learning

Labour Market Information Portal

You can also explore what we offer:

Contact Form

NASSSA, Winner of Australian Training Awards, School Pathways to VET Award, 2016